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Five Fold Ministry and Spiritual Gifts

We believe that the Holy Spirit sets and lays the church’s foundation. The Apostles lead the congregation by the power of the Holy Spirit in exaltation and demonstration. The Prophet helps guide and cast accurate vision while assisting the apostle in the proper leadership of the congregation. The Evangelist helps encourage and grow the congregation. We believe the Pastor shepherds and takes care of the congregation. The Teacher develops and disciples the congregation.

And He gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ;
Ephesians‬ ‭4:11‭-‬13‬ ‭NKJV‬‬



This ministry will focus on developing men and women sent to plant future foreign and domestic ministries. The Apostles are builders and equipped to possess the fundamental functions of the four other gifts (Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher). Collaborating with the four other gifts can allow them to get massive amounts of work done. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, they can equip others around them. The Apostles are forerunners and pioneers.

This ministry will focus on developing prophets and prophetic gifts. By training people to hear the voice of God with clarity and accuracy. Through the leading of the Holy Spirit. The Prophet is a unique gift with many levels to it. It can function in spoken and written words. It functions in dreams and visions. The Prophet offers insight into the heart of God. They say the very words from God’s heart. To cast vision and give instruction. Also, warnings and corrections when needed. They are the mouthpieces of the Lord.



This ministry will focus on raising Evangelists for outreach and mission work, both foreign and domestic. The Evangelist encourages and stirs up the congregation to the ministry’s work. Evangelists are the movers! They are all about action! They want to mobilize the people. They energize the people. They are also very skilled at bringing people to the Kingdom of God. The Evangelist is a critical piece of the long-term success of any church body. 

This ministry will train people to lead and care for the congregation by teaching those called to pastoral how to shepherd. Pastors are vital to any congregation’s spiritual, emotional, and physical environment. They’re the caretakers and, more than anything, the undershepherds of the flock. Their primary goal is to nourish the flock by teaching God’s Holy Word. They must be willing to protect and serve those placed In their care. They must also live Holy lives before the people at all times.


This ministry will equip people to correctly and accurately teach the Word of God through discipleship and Bible study. The Teacher is the research and development team of the church body. They function by assisting the other four gifts with discipline. They help make God’s Word clearer and more applicable to the congregation. This is to develop healthy study habits for the preparation of ministry.