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I am particularly grateful for the love and support Pastor Chad, Jasmin and the entire LFCI family have shown me during moments of doubt and hardship. Whether it was through a comforting prayer, a kind word, or simply being there to lend an ear, their presence has given me the courage to persevere and trust in God's plan for my life. Pastor Chad and Jasmin have beautifully exemplified what it means to be compassionate and caring shepherds of the flock. Their dedication to our congregation and commitment to fostering a sense of community has created a welcoming and inclusive space for all of us. Through their leadership; our church has become a sanctuary for spiritual growth, fellowship, and love. I cannot express enough how much the ministry has touched my life. The way Pastor Chad and Jasmin live out their faith has inspired me to be a better Christian and to seek God's will in every aspect of my life. Their examples of servant leadership and unconditional love have been a beacon of hope and it has deeply impacted both, my spiritual journey and personal relationships. May God continue to bless them abundantly, granting them the strength, wisdom, and love to inspire others as they have inspired me. I truly thank them from the bottom of my heart.


Nobody is perfect. Neither is anyone in the leadership of this church. I’ve walked with these people for years. I’ve seen our pastors and people in leadership in high and low times, and I’ve never seen them give up. It's clear that they truly want to do what God has for them. I’ve seen what true belief and faith look like, lived out in boldness and love. I’ve never seen their dedication to their calling waiver. That calling is to reach the people of Tampa and the world in a way you probably have not seen before. It is the Bible put into action; it’s allowing the Holy Spirit to work without trying to control the outcome. In LFCI, the pastor does not control the service, nor does the schedule. The beautiful part about that is when the Holy Spirit leads, people don’t get hurt, and things tend to happen in order. God loves us far more and knows us better than any person could. Romans 12:1 says, “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.” it talks about your body being sacrificed to God. This is the key to why we are the way we are and why we do what we do. It is why God is free to move the way he does. Come, and you will find a loving family that wants to show you what God has for you.


Since coming to LFCI my perspective on life has been completely shifted. I have been set free from witchcraft, bondage and lies spoken over my life. I’m learning what it really feels like to enjoy life in Jesus Christ. The journey hasn’t been easy but it’s been worth it. I am blessed to have amazing Pastors who mentor, love and lead me along the way. We are blessed to have Pastors and leaders that truly care about us and our walk with the Lord. At LFCI, we are brothers and sisters in Christ first. The Pastor and leaders will welcome you the way you are and you will feel loved and care for. I’m beginning to learn and understand what true love feels and looks like at LFCI. I can honestly say I know what the love of God and what true friendship feels like. There’s joy in the house of Lord and laughter. For the first time in my life; I’m learning who Patricia truly is. I’m excited to continue growing closer with the Lord and to build genuine relationships with my church family and with the new people that are coming in. I’m just getting started! I know God is always here with me. He’s my teacher and provider, He brings comfort and peace in very circumstances when it seems impossible. I’m so grateful that God placed me here at Liberation Family Church. I been renewed and transformed by the blood of Jesus Christ.


When I first came to Liberation I was lost and wasn't even aware that I was. I was just “living” and I thought that just because I believed in God that was good enough. The way I was living did not reflect being a true Christian like I was claiming to be. Pastor Chad and Jasmin have really helped me grow closer to God and to really know Him more intimately and not just know of Him, there's a big difference. I have grown so much as a person spiritually and physically. I am not sure where I would be today without my church family. LFCI is such an important aspect of my life and I am so blessed to be a part of the Liberation Family. The leadership has helped me truly live by the word of Jesus Christ and has truly helped me understand what it's like to have the mind of Christ and how to live that out in my daily life. I’m not saying it's been easy but it's definitely been worth it. I have seen God work miracles in my life over and over again and it's just beautiful. I have been healed and delivered from past trauma and so much more. I can NEVER go back to just living anymore, God is too good. Liberation Family Church will always be my church home.


It is very common for people to seek the church when they have suffered a loss or are looking to better themselves. However, that is not what initially brought me through the doors of LFCI. I was already attending church regularly, active in my women's group, praying, reading my Bible, watching sermons to educate myself on my Christian walk, and fasting. I was, however, bored and decided to see what this particular preacher had to say, as he had already sparked an interest in my two teenagers. Anyone parenting teenagers can agree that this, in itself, was reason enough. After the first service, I received a word from God, which surprised me because I had never spoken with this man about my life or the things I had been struggling with before God. Today, I know the Holy Spirit brought me to LFCI because he heard my cries for spiritual nourishment. My plate was clean, my cup was empty, and I needed a place where I could be fed the TRUTH in order to grow as a woman of God. Going through deliverance was a blessing, as it enabled me to take my worship to a new level, igniting my faith and giving me the courage to boldly approach my Father's throne and claim everything he promised me, leaving the devil and his demons behind.